Welcome to Yoganda


Discover YOGANDA – Your Wellness Hub in Vancouver Since 2018

Embark on a transformative journey with YOGANDA, inspired by the Indian guru of love Yogananda and Fabiola’s mom Yolanda. Since 2018, we’ve guided you toward holistic wellness and peace through yoga

Join vibrant classes in cozy studios or escape to serene surf and yoga retreats. At YOGANDA, we cater to all levels and offer sound healing for your well-being

Experience yoga as a path to holistic wellness, self-discovery, and inner growth. Join our supportive community and find balance on the mat with YOGANDA


She is an experienced yogi and passionate surfer with 8 years of yoga practice across Mexico, Canada, Bali, and Thailand. She’s a certified yoga teacher from Bali, combining her love for yoga and surf to find balance

At Yoganda, Fabiola is committed to guiding you on a life-changing journey. She adapts her teaching style with care to suit each student’s needs

Skilled in Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Hatha yoga, Fabiola explores yoga philosophy, meditation, and sound healing to share the holistic benefits of yoga with our community

For Fabiola, yoga means more than exercise; it’s about mindfulness, balance, and overall wellness

Wave Enthusiast

Yogic Instructor

Adventurous Soul